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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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eerie [`IqrI], perceived [pq`sJvd], touch [tAC]

But Dr. Kemp was no believer in voices.

He stood staring at the tumbled sheets. Was that really a voice? He looked about again, but noticed nothing further than the disordered and blood-stained bed. Then he distinctly heard a movement across the room, near the wash-hand stand. All men, however highly educated, retain some superstitious inklings. The feeling that is called “eerie” came upon him. He closed the door of the room, came forward to the dressing-table, and put down his burdens. Suddenly, with a start, he perceived a coiled and blood-stained bandage of linen rag hanging in mid-air, between him and the wash-hand stand.

He stared at this in amazement. It was an empty bandage, a bandage properly tied but quite empty. He would have advanced to grasp it, but a touch arrested him, and a voice speaking quite close to him.

“Kemp!” said the Voice.

“Eh (а)?” said Kemp, with his mouth open (сказал Кемп, разинув рот).

“Keep your nerve (спокойно, не пугайтесь),” said the Voice. “I’m an Invisible Man (я Невидимка).”

Kemp made no answer for a space (Кемп не отвечал некоторое время), simply stared at the bandage (/просто/ уставившись на повязку).

“Invisible Man,” he said.

“I am an Invisible Man (я Невидимка),” repeated the Voice (повторил Голос).

The story he had been active to ridicule only that morning rushed through Kemp’s brain (история, которую он так активно высмеивал еще сегодня утром, внезапно пришла на ум Кемпу; to rush through one’s mind — внезапно прийти в голову, на ум, осенить кого-либо: «пронестисьчерезчей-либоразум»). He does not appear to have been either very much frightened or very greatly surprised at the moment (но, видимо, в ту минуту он не был ни сильно напуган, ни чрезвычайно удивлен). Realisation came later (осмысление пришло позже).

mouth [mauT], nerve [nq:v], ridicule [`rIdIkjHl], frightened [fraItnd]

“Kemp!” said the Voice.

“Eh?” said Kemp, with his mouth open.

“Keep your nerve,” said the Voice. “I’m an Invisible Man.”

Kemp made no answer for a space, simply stared at the bandage.

“Invisible Man,” he said.

“I am an Invisible Man,” repeated the Voice.

The story he had been active to ridicule only that morning rushed through Kemp’s brain. He does not appear to have been either very much frightened or very greatly surprised at the moment. Realisation came later.

“I thought it was all a lie (я думал, это все ложь),” he said. The thought uppermost in his mind was the reiterated arguments of the morning (главной мыслью в его уме были неоднократные утренние доводы = вголовеунеговертелисьдоводы, которыеоннеразприводилутром; uppermost — самыйверхний; преобладающий; to reiterate — повторять; делать снова и снова). “Have you a bandage on (вы в повязке)?” he asked.

“Yes,” said the Invisible Man.

“Oh!” said Kemp, and then roused himself (сказал Кемп, и тут спохватился). “I say (послушайте)!” he said. “But this is nonsense (но это же вздор). It’s some trick (какой-то фокус).” He stepped forward suddenly (внезапно он шагнул вперед), and his hand, extended towards the bandage, met invisible fingers (и его рука, протянутая к повязке, встретила невидимые пальцы).

He recoiled at the touch and his colour changed (он отпрянул при этом прикосновении и побледнел: «и его цвет изменился»; to change colour — изменитьсявлице; побледнеть).

thought [TLt], reiterated [rJ`ItqreItId], argument [`Rgjumqnt], colour [`kAlq]

“I thought it was all a lie,” he said. The thought uppermost in his mind was the reiterated arguments of the morning. “Have you a bandage on?” he asked.

“Yes,” said the Invisible Man.

“Oh!” said Kemp, and then roused himself. “I say!” he said. “But this is nonsense. It’s some trick.” He stepped forward suddenly, and his hand, extended towards the bandage, met invisible fingers.

He recoiled at the touch and his colour changed.

“Keep steady, Kemp, for God’s sake (спокойно, Кемп, ради Бога)! I want help badly (мне крайне нужна помощь). Stop (постойте)!”

The hand gripped his arm (рука схватила Кемпа за локоть). He struck at it (он ударил по ней; to strike).

“Kemp!” cried the Voice. “Kemp! Keep steady (успокойтесь)!” and the grip tightened (хватка усилилась).

A frantic desire to free himself took possession of Kemp (отчаянное желание освободиться овладело Кемпом). The hand of the bandaged arm gripped his shoulder (кисть забинтованной руки вцепилась ему в плечо), and he was suddenly tripped and flung backwards upon the bed (и вдруг Кемп был опрокинут и отброшен на кровать). He opened his mouth to shout (он открыл рот, чтобы крикнуть), and the corner of the sheet was thrust between his teeth (но край простыни оказался у него между зубами; to thrust — пихать, засовывать). The Invisible Man had him down grimly (Невидимка держал его крепко; grimly — жестоко, беспощадно; решительно, непреклонно), but his arms were free and he struck and tried to kick savagely (но руки у Кемпа были свободны, и он яростно бил ими и пытался брыкаться).

“Listen to reason, will you (будьте же благоразумны; to listen to reason — прислушиваться к голосу разума, рассудка)?” said the Invisible Man, sticking to him in spite of a pounding in the ribs (сказал Невидимка, удерживая его, несмотря на удары в ребра; to pound — бить; колотить; to stick — липнуть, приклеивать/ся/; придерживаться). “By Heaven (ей-богу)! you’ll madden me in a minute (не выводите меня из себя; tomadden— сводить с ума; доводить до бешенства; mad— бешеный; сумасшедший)!

possession [pq`zeS(q)n], shoulder [`Squldq], pounding [`paundIN]

“Keep steady, Kemp, for God’s sake! I want help badly. Stop!”

The hand gripped his arm. He struck at it.

“Kemp!” cried the Voice. “Kemp! Keep steady!” and the grip tightened.

A frantic desire to free himself took possession of Kemp. The hand of the bandaged arm gripped his shoulder, and he was suddenly tripped and flung backwards upon the bed. He opened his mouth to shout, and the corner of the sheet was thrust between his teeth. The Invisible Man had him down grimly, but his arms were free and he struck and tried to kick savagely.

“Listen to reason, will you?” said the Invisible Man, sticking to him in spite of a pounding in the ribs. “By Heaven! you’ll madden me in a minute!

“Lie still, you fool (лежите смирно, болван вы этакий)!” bawled the Invisible Man in Kemp’s ear (крикнул Невидимка Кемпу в ухо).

Kemp struggled for another moment and then lay still (Кемп боролся еще минуту, потом затих).

“If you shout, I’ll smash your face (если закричите, я разобью вам лицо),” said the Invisible Man, relieving his mouth (сказал Невидимка, вытаскивая простыню изо рта Кемпа; to relieve — облегчать, ослаблять/напряжение, давление/; освобождать/отчего-либо/).

“I’m an Invisible Man (я Невидимка). It’s no foolishness, and no magic (это не выдумка и не волшебство; foolishness — безрассудство, глупость, нелепость). I really am an Invisible Man (я действительно Невидимка). And I want your help (и мне нужна ваша помощь). I don’t want to hurt you, but if you behave like a frantic rustic, I must (я не хочу причинять вам никакого вреда, но если вы будете вести себя, как безумный мужлан, — мне придется). Don’t you remember me, Kemp (неужели вы не помните меня, Кемп)? Griffin, of University College (я Гриффин, /учился/ в Юниверсити-Колледж; UniversityCollege— Юниверсити-Колледж /медицинский колледж Лондонского университета/)?”

“Let me get up (дайте мне встать),” said Kemp. “I’ll stop where I am (я останусь на месте). And let me sit quiet for a minute (и дайте минуту посидеть спокойно).”

magic [`mxGIk], University College ["jHnI`vq:sItI"kOlIG], hurt [hq:t], rustic [`rAstIk]

“Lie still, you fool!” bawled the Invisible Man in Kemp’s ear.

Kemp struggled for another moment and then lay still.

“If you shout, I’ll smash your face,” said the Invisible Man, relieving his mouth.

“I’m an Invisible Man. It’s no foolishness, and no magic. I really am an Invisible Man. And I want your help. I don’t want to hurt you, but if you behave like a frantic rustic, I must. Don’t you remember me, Kemp? Griffin, of University College?”

“Let me get up,” said Kemp. “I’ll stop where I am. And let me sit quiet for a minute.”

He sat up and felt his neck (он сел и пощупал шею).

“I am Griffin, of University College, and I have made myself invisible (я Гриффин, учился в колледже и сделал себя невидимым). I am just an ordinary man — a man you have known — made invisible (я обычный человек, человек, которого вы знали, сделанный невидимым).”

“Griffin?” said Kemp.

“Griffin,” answered the Voice (ответил Голос). “A younger student than you were (я был студентом /на курс/ младше вас), almost an albino (почти альбинос), six feet high (шести футов роста), and broad, with a pink and white face and red eyes (широкий /в плечах/, с розово-белым лицом и красными глазами), who won the medal for chemistry (получил медаль /за успехи/ в химии; to win).”

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