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Scott Straus, «Darfur and the Genocide Debate», Foreign Affairs 84 (1) January/February 2005: 123–146.
См. также John Mueller, «The Iraq Syndrome», Foreign Affairs 84 (6) November/December 2005: 44–54; Mueller, «Force, Legitimacy, Success, and Iraq», Review of International Studies 31 (S1) December 2005: 109–125.
Andrew Mack, Human Security Report 2005 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005). James D. Fearon and David D. Laitin, «Neotrusteeship and the Problem of Weak States», International Security 28 (4) Spring 2004: 5–43. Virginia Page Fortna, Where Have All the Victories Gone? War Outcomes in Historical Perspective (New York: Saltzman Institute for War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, 2005).