The Curse of Hermes Trismegistus - Vadim Kucherenko
Golyshkin. A trip around the world?!
Myshevsky. Tell me, professor, how much joy have you had in your life?
Golyshkin. Well, that’s true – my life has passed by.
Myshevsky. So make up for everything you've lost! If you have too little time to live, so take this time to enjoy love and get fed up with new experiences. And then death won’t seem to be so scary to you!
Golyshkin. But such life requires money. Much money!
Myshevsky. I will give you the amount you need.
Golyshkin. Just give? What do you mean?
Myshevsky. Of course, I’ll give you. As a mortgage.
Golyshkin. But I have got nothing!
Myshevsky. What about your apartment?
Golyshkin. But where will I live when I return?
Myshevsky. Is it worth now to think about the future? You have at least six months of a carefree life ahead of you.
Golyshkin. Six months will go by quickly. But what if I die not having paid you a debt?
Myshevsky. Do you really care what happens after you die?
Golyshkin. But my son… Rodion… What to do with him?
Myshevsky. With your ungrateful son?
Golyshkin. Okay, he is ungrateful, but he is my son, anyway. I am not to judge him. Let God be his judge!
Myshevsky. Rodion is deeply in debt. He is just waiting for your death to receive his inheritance and waste it.
Golyshkin. That’s not true!
Myshevsky. This is true. And you know this.
Golyshkin. But still he is my son.
Myshevsky. I will take care of his future. I'll give him a job. He will not die of hunger.
Golyshkin. Do you promise?
Myshevsky. I give you my word.
Golyshkin. Then I agree!
Myshevsky. Shall we make a deal?
Golyshkin. Right now?
Myshevsky. There is no need to wait. The notary is in the next room. Besides, Olga Alekseevna will be glad to hear about the coming trip to the Iguazu Falls. Or do you want to ask Hermes Trismegistus for advice?
Golyshkin. Oh, no! I want to forget about him as soon as possible, like a nightmare. By the way, what are you planning to do with his recipe?
Myshevsky. I’d suggest to talk about all that a little later, when you return from your world tour. After that night, the very word "alchemy" gives me superstitious horror.
Golyshkin. By the way, do you know that the great Dante in his immortal "Divine Comedy" placed all alchemists in hell?
Myshevsky. Yes I do, in the eighth circle, in the tenth ditch, next to counterfeiters.
Golyshkin. If it is so, you are not lucky then. Just like me.
Myshevsky. Dante was just a poet, not a prophet… Well, professor, where are the documents for the apartment?
Golyshkin. I’ll bring them here immediately.
Myshevsky. Well, I’ve just come up with a brilliant idea. You don’t need to lose your money by paying a mortgage for the apartment! If you just sell it, you will get much more. If you want to buy it later, I'll sell it back to you.
Golyshkin. But why do you need all these troubles?
Myshevsky. With a small discount. I am a business man and I am not going to miss my profit.
Golyshkin. I hope our agreement on Rodion’s future is still in effect?
Myshevsky. Myshevsky's word is sacred!
Golyshkin. You are a wonderful person, Mr. Myshevsky! Do you know that?
Myshevsky. Thank you, Stalver Udarpyatovich.
Golyshkin leaves. Myshevsky comes up to the table, takes the saucer and throws it on the floor with a swing.
Myshevsky. Go to Hermes Trismegistus and express my gratitude to him! And if you meet the spirit of my grandfather…
Olga runs in.
Myshevsky. What's the matter with you, Olga Alekseevna? You are so excited! Have you just seen the professor in the corridor, and the old chatterbox told you the good news?
Olga. Ro… Ro…
Myshevsky. Do you want to thank me and can't find the words? Just say: I am grateful to you!
Olga. Rodion!
Myshevsky. What about Rodion? What else has he done there, this obnoxious guy? Has he really tried to rape you in order to feel some self esteem?
Olga. Rodion… He has committed suicide!
Myshevsky. Are you crazy? Where is he?
Olga. In his room. He’s … hung himself on a chandelier hook.
Myshevsky. Why did you go to his room?
Olga. I… I came in, and he… he was staring at me, as if condemning … And his eyes were dead. And there was a noose around his neck!
Myshevsky. Stop your hysterics, please!
Myshevsky slaps Olga’s cheek, she falls into a chair and sobs, covering her face with hands.
Myshevsky. And the fathers’ sins will fall on the sons’ heads up to the fourth generation… Fool! What a fool I am! Haven’t foreseen! Haven’t thought of it! What to do now? Come on, think faster, Myshevsky! Everything is hanging by a thread. Silly boy!
Olga. And you… Where were you?
Myshevsky. What?
Olga. I am asking where were you before you came into this room and saw us with the professor?
Myshevsky. What are you talking about?
Olga. Why don’t you answer?
Myshevsky. I was… But why do you care where I was? Don't you really think?!..
Olga. I can't think of anything. My thoughts are completely confused as if the wind is blowing in my head. And it is howling sadly: “Whoo! Whoo!" It’s so scary!
Myshevsky. It would be better if this wind blew all bad thoughts out of your head. I have nothing to do with the death of this boy. His suicide was not part of my plans.
Olga. Is that true?
Myshevsky. Stupid girl! His death does not benefit me at all! It can ruin all my plans.
Olga. Now I believe you.
Myshevsky. Thanks a lot!
Olga. But what are we to do now?
Myshevsky. We?! How quickly you’ve come to your senses, girl!
Olga. Let the past bury its dead. Some character of your favorite book seems to be saying that, right?
Myshevsky. Well, I really underestimated you… Perhaps, this was my main mistake.
Olga. But you will correct it, won’t you?
Myshevsky. I promise.
Olga. Then promise me one more thing.
Myshevsky. And what?
Olga. When