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14, no. 2 (1948): 200–201; Sitterson, Sugar Country, 65.

57 Knight, Sugar, Steam and Steel, 56, 60n.109; Dale Tomich, «Sugar Technology and Slave Labor in Martinique, 1830–1848,» New West Indian Guide 63, nos. 1–2 (1989): 128.

58 Schnakenbourg, «La creation,» 39–41, 58, 71, 73; Schmidt, «Les paradoxes,» 314, 325.

59 Raymond E.Crist, «Sugar Cane and Coffee in Puerto Rico, I: The Rôle of Privilege and Monopoly in the Expropriation of the Jibaro,» American Journal of Economics and Sociology 7, no. 2 (1948): 175.

6 °Charles Ralph Boxer, The Golden Age of Brazil, 1695–1750: Growing Pains of a Colonial Society (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962), 150; Fernando Ortiz, Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar (New York: Vintage, 1970), 278–279.

61 Richard Pares, Merchants and Planters (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960), 44.

62 Pares, Merchants and Planters, chap. 4; S.D.Smith, Slavery, Family, and Gentry Capitalism in the British Atlantic: The World of the Lascelles, 1648–1834 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), chap. 6.

63 См.: Brian Hoonhout, «The Crisis of the Subprime Plantation Mortgages in the Dutch West Indies, 1750–1775,» Leidschrift 28, no. 2 (2013): 85–100.

64 Sitterson, «Financing and Marketing,» 189.

65 Havana, Bankers’ Magazine (1846–1847): 243; Richard A.Lobdell, Economic Structure and Demographic Performance in Jamaica, 1891–1935 (New York: Garland, 1987), 321–322.

66 Lobdell, Economic Structure, 321.

67 На Кубе положение кредиторов укрепилось в 1850-е годы, вместе с отказом от практики privilegio de ingenio, которая не позволяла забирать мельничное имущество, и в том числе рабов, в случае, если владелец не мог выплатить долги. Во французских сахарных колониях это произошло посредством нового ипотечного закона, принятого в 1848 году, а в Вест-Индии – после принятия в 1854 году Закона об обремененных поместьях. Правительство Бразилии пыталось реформировать залоговое право еще раньше, в 1846 году. См.: Martinez-Fernandez, «The Sweet and the Bitter,» 56; Christian Schnakenbourg, «La disparition des ‘habitation-sucreries’ en Guadeloupe (1848–1906): Recherche sur la désagrégation des structures préindustrielles de la production sucrière antillaise après l’abolition de l’esvalage,» Revue française dв Histoire d’Outre-Mer 74, no. 276 (1987): 265–266; Nicholas Draper, «Possessing People,» in Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain by Catherine Hall et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 43; Peter L.Eisenberg, The Sugar Industry in Pernambuco: Modernization without Change, 1840–1910 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974), 73.

68 Trollope, West Indies, 130; Alexander von Humboldt, The Island of Cuba. Translated from the Spanish, with the Notes and a Preliminary Essay by J.S.Thrasher (New York: Derby and Jackson, 1856), 281; Franklin W.Knight, Slave Society in Cuba during the Nineteenth Century (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970), 119; Edwin Farnsworth Atkins, Sixty Years in Cuba: Reminiscences… (Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1926), 52.

69 Thomas, Cuba, 137; Martín Rodrigo y Alharilla, «From Periphery to Centre: Transatlantic Capital Flows, 1830–1890,» in The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy: Circuits of Trade, Money and Knowledge, 1650–1914, ed. Adrian Leonard and David Pretel (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 221–222.

70 Хотя Кервеген также использовал котлы Ветцеля, с 1850-х годов он постепенно перешел на вакуумные варочные котлы компании Derosne&Cail, как и другие владельцы крупных сахарных плантаций на Реюньоне. См.: Jean François Géraud, Kerveguen Sucrier (Saint-Denis: Université Réunion, n.d.); Fuma, Un exemple d’imperialisme, 54–55, 64, 75.

71 Draper, «Possessing People,» 43; R.W.Beachey, The British West Indies Sugar Industry in the Late 19th Century (Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1957), 36–38.

72 Levy, Emancipation, Sugar and Federalism, 55.

73 См. также: Nicholas Draper, «Helping to Make Britain Great: The Commercial Legacies of Slave-Ownership in Britain,» in Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain by Catherine Hall et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 83, 95, 102.

74 Alan H.Adamson, Sugar without Slaves: The Political Economy of British Guiana, 1838–1904 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1972), 202–203; Beachey, The British West Indies, 69, 95.

75 Ryan Saylor, «Probing the Historical Sources of the Mauritian Miracle: Sugar Exporters and State Building in Colonial Mauritius,» Review of African Political Economy 39, no. 133 (2012): 474; Arthur Jessop, A History of the Mauritius Government Railways: 1864 to 1964 (Port Louis, Mauritius: J.E.Félix, 1964), 2.

76 Draper, «Helping to Make Britain Great,» 95. О компенсационных фондах для рабовладельцев, живших как в своих владениях, так и за их пределами, см. базу данных «Центра изучения наследия британского рабовладения», https://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/project/details/; Richard B.Allen, Slaves, Freedmen and Indentured Laborers in Colonial Mauritius (Port Chester, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999), 123–127; Bosma, The Sugar Plantation, 85n.159; Richard B.Allen, «Capital, Illegal Slaves, Indentured Labourers and the Creation of a Sugar Plantation Economy in Mauritius, 1810–60,» Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 36, no. 2 (2008): 157.

77 G.William Des Voeux, My Colonial Service in British Guiana, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Fiji, Australia, New-Foundland, and Hong Kong with Interludes… (London: John Murray, 1903), 212–225, 279.

78 Galloway, «The Sugar Industry of Pernambuco,» 300–302; Manuel Correia de Andrade, The Land and People of Northeast Brazil (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1980), 71.

79 Jean Mazuel, Le sucre en Egypte: Étude de géographie historique et economique (Cairo: Société Royale de Géographie d’Égypte, 1937), 32; Claudine Piaton and Ralph Bodenstein, «Sugar and Iron: Khedive Ismail’s Sugar Factories in Egypt and the Role of French Engineering Companies (1867–1875),» ABE Journal, no. 5 (2014): paras. 7 and 8.

80 F.Robert Hunter, Egypt under the Khedives, 1805–1879: From Household Government to Modern Bureaucracy (Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1999), 40; Kenneth M.Cuno, «The Origins of Private Ownership of Land in Egypt: A Reappraisal,» International Journal of Middle East Studies 12, no. 3 (1980): 266.

81 Piaton and Bodenstein, «Sugar and Iron,» para. 9, p. 13; Institution of Civil Engineers, Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers with Abstracts of the Discussions (London: 1873), 37.

82 См.: Piaton and Bodenstein, «Sugar and Iron,» para. 29.

83 Thomas, Jean-François Cail, 105–106, 135.

84 Maule, Le sucre en Egypte, 40–44; Barbara Kalkas, «Diverted Institutions: A Reinterpretation of the Process of Industrialization in Nineteenth-Century Egypt,» Arab Studies Quarterly 1, no. 1 (1979): 33.

6. Рабство медлит уйти

1 За Кубой следовали Бразилия (82

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