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Levant au moyen age, vol. 2 (Wiesbaden, Germany: Otto Harrassowitz, 1885–1886), 681; Mohamed Ouerfelli, Le sucre: Production, commercialisation et usages dans la Méditerranée médiévale (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 19–21; Ritter, Über die geographische, 67.

5 Tsugitaka Sato, Sugar in the Social Life of Medieval Islam (Leiden: Brill, 2015), 23.

6 Duarte Barbosa, A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar, in the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century, trans. Henry E.J.Stanley (London: Hakluyt Society, 1866), 14.

7 Ritter, Über die geographische, 20.

8 Richard H.Major, India in the Fifteenth Century: Being a Collection of Narratives of Voyages to India… (London: Hakluyt Society, 1857), 27; Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, Travels in India: Translated from the Original French Edition of 1676…, 2 vols. (London: Macmillan, 1889); см. особенно: 1:275, 386, 391; также 2:264.

9 Ulbe Bosma, The Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia: Industrial Production, 1770–2010 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 38–39.

10 Lallanji Gopal, «Sugar-Making in Ancient India,» Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 7, no. 1 (1964): 65.

11 Edmund Oskar von Lippmann, Geschichte des Zuckers: Seit den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Beginn der Rübenzucker-Fabrikation: ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte (Berlin: Springer, 1929), 160–161.

12 Sucheta Mazumdar, Sugar and Society in China: Peasants, Technology, and the World Market (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998), 22, 26–27. Цзи Сянлинь полагает, что искусство изготовления сахара путем кипячения сока могло стать известным в Китае еще до 400 г. н. э. Ji Xianlin, A History of Sugar (Beijing: New Starr Press, 2017), 72, 78–80.

13 Francis Buchanan, A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar…, vol. 1 (London: Cadell and Davies, 1807), 157–158.

14 Francis Buchanan, A Geographical, Statistical and Historical Description of the District of Dinajpur in the Province of Bengal (Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1833), 301–307.

15 Bosma, The Sugar Plantation, 40.

16 Irfan Habib, Economic History of Medieval India, 1200–1500 (Delhi: Longman, 2011), 127; Ritter, Über die geographische, 32.

17 S.Husam Haider, «A Comparative Study of Pre-Modern and Modern Stone Sugar Mills (Distt. Agra and Mirzapur),» Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 59 (1998): 1018–1019; B.P.Mazumdar, «New Forms of Specialization in Industries of Eastern India in the Turko-Afghan Period», Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 31 (1969): 230.

18 Jan Lucassen, The Story of Work: A New History of Humankind (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2021), 176–177.

19 Scott Levi, «India, Russia and the Eighteenth-Century Transformation of the Central Asian Caravan Trade,» Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 42, no. 4 (1999): 529; R.H.Davies, Report on the Trade and Resources of the Countries on the North-Western Boundary of British India (Lahore: Government Press, 1862), 8–9; Anya King, «Eastern Islamic Rulers and the Trade with Eastern and Inner Asia in the 10th–11th Centuries,» Bulletin of the Asia Institute 25 (2011): 177; Burnes, Travels into Bokhara, 2:429.

20 Duarte Barbosa, The Book of Duarte Barbosa: An Account of the Countries Bordering on the Indian Ocean and their Inhabitants [Mansel L.Dames], vol. 2 (London: Hakluyt Society, 1918), 112, 146; Barbosa, A Description, 60–69, 80; Ralph Fitch, «1583–1591 Ralph Fitch,» in Early Travels in India 1583–1619, ed. William Foster (London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1921), 24; Francois Bernier, Travels in the Mogul Empire A.D. 1656–1668: A Revised and Improved Edition Based upon Irving Brock’s Translation by Archibald Constable (Westminster, England: Archibald Constable, 1891), 283, 428, 437, 441, 442.

21 Слова Йоханнеса де Лата цитируются в источнике: Frederic Solomon Growse, Mathurd: A District Memoir, vol. 1 (North-Western Provinces’ Government Press, 1874), 115.

22 Haripada Chakraborti, «History of Irrigation in Ancient India,» Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 32 (1970): 155; Habib, Economic History, 194–195.

23 Mazumdar, Sugar and Society, 142; Joseph Needham, Christian Daniels, and Nicholas K. Menzies, Science and Civilization in China, vol. 6, Biology and Biological Technology, pt. 3, Agro-Industries: Sugarcane Technology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 303–306.

24 Lady Fawcett, Charles Fawcett, and Richard Burn, The Travels of the Abbé Carré in India and the Near East, 1672 to 1674, vol. 1 (London: Hakluyt Society, 1947), 178; Barbosa, A Description, 60, 69, 155; John Fryer, A New Account of East-India and Persia… Being Nine Years Travels, Begun 1672 and Finished 1681… (London: Chiswell, 1698), 105; Tomé Pires, Armando Cortesão, and Francisco Rodrigues, The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires: An Account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, Written in Malacca and India in 1512–1515… (London: Hakluyt Society, 1944), 92; Barbosa, The Book, 1:64, 107, 188.

25 Ibn Battúta, Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325–1354 (London: George Routledge and Sons, 1929), 282.

26 Needham, Daniels, and Menzies, Sugar Cane Technology, 185; Billy K.L.So, Prosperity, Region, and Institutions in Maritime China: The South Fukien Sugar Cane Pattern, 946–1368 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center / Harvard University Press, 2000), 71.

27 Françoise Sabban, «Sucre candi et confiseries de Quinsai: L’essor du sucre de canne dans la Chine des Song (Xe – XIIIes.),» Journal d’Agriculture traditionelle et de Botanique appliquée 35, no. 1 (1988): 209; Françoise Sabban, «L’industrie sucrière, le moulin à sucre et les relations sino-portugaises aux XVIe – XVIIу siècles,» Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales 49 (1994): 836; Mazumdar, Sugar and Society, 29–30; Needham, Daniels, and Menzies, Sugar Cane Technology, 92; So, Prosperity, 65–66; Paul Wheatley, «Geographical Notes on Some Commodities Involved in Sung Maritime Trade,» Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 32, no. 2 (186) (1959): 87; Ju-Kua Chau, Chau Ju-Kua: His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the 12th and 13th Centuries, Entitled Chu-fan-dii, trans. Friedrich Hirth and W.W.Rockhill (St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1911), 49, 53, 61, 67.

28 Джон Дэниелс и Кристиан Дэниелс утверждают, что кипячение багассы – отхода, оставшегося после извлечения из тростника сока, – позволяло сахарозе выйти через клеточные стенки в процессе диффузии. John Daniels and Christian Daniels, «The Origin of the Sugarcane Roller Mill», Technology and Culture 29 (1988): 524n.110. Они ссылаются на рассказ очевидца Экеберга: «A Short Account of Chinese Husbandry,» in Pehr Osbeck, A Voyage to China and the

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