Английский язык с Джеромом К. Джеромом. Трое в лодке, не считая собаки (ASCII-IPA) - Jerome Jerome
guessed [gest] wriggling ['rIglIN] cuckoo ['kuku:]
We also heard much smothered language coming from underneath it, and we guessed that they were finding the job rather troublesome, and concluded that we would wait until things had got a little simpler before we joined in.
We waited some time, but matters seemed to get only more and more involved, until, at last, George's head came wriggling out over the side of the boat, and spoke up.
It said:
"Give us a hand here, can't you, you cuckoo; standing there like a stuffed mummy, when you see we are both being suffocated, you dummy!"
I never could withstand an appeal for help, so I went and undid them (я никогда не мог устоять перед просьбой о помощи, поэтому я развязал их; to withstand — устоять, выдержать; не поддаваться; to undo); not before it was time, either, for Harris was nearly black in the face (и это было очень вовремя, так как Гаррис почти побагровел лицом; black in the face — побагровевший /от гнева, злости, усилий и т.д./).
It took us half an hour's hard labour, after that (это заняло у нас получасовой тяжелый труд = нам пришлось тяжело потрудиться полчаса после этого), before it was properly up, and then we cleared the decks, and got out supper (прежде, чем брезент был должным образом натянут, а потом мы очистили место в лодке и стали готовить ужин; to clear the decks: «очистить палубы» — приготовиться к действиям, к бою; to get out — выходить; доставать; готовить). We put the kettle on to boil, up in the nose of the boat (мы поставили чайник кипятиться на носу лодки), and went down to the stern and pretended to take no notice of it (пошли на корму и сделали вид, что не обращаем на него внимания), but set to work to get the other things out (и стали доставать остальные вещи; to set to — браться, приступать).
That is the only way to get a kettle to boil up the river (это единственный способ заставить чайник закипеть на реке). If it sees that you are waiting for it and are anxious, it will never even sing (если он видит, что вы ждете его с нетерпением: «сильно желаете», он никогда даже не запоет; to sing — петь; гудеть, свистеть). You have to go away and begin your meal, as if you were not going to have any tea at all (вам приходится отходить и начинать есть, словно вы не собираетесь вообще пить чай). You must not even look round at it (вы не должны даже оглядываться на него). Then you will soon hear it sputtering away, mad to be made into tea (тогда вы вскоре услышите, как он булькает, безумно /желающий/ быть заваренным в чай; to sputter — брызгать слюной; шипеть, трещать /об огне, жире и т.д./).
labour ['[email protected]] stern [[email protected]:n] pretended [prI'tendId]
I never could withstand an appeal for help, so I went and undid them; not before it was time, either, for Harris was nearly black in the face.
It took us half an hour's hard labour, after that, before it was properly up, and then we cleared the decks, and got out supper. We put the kettle on to boil, up in the nose of the boat, and went down to the stern and pretended to take no notice of it, but set to work to get the other things out.
That is the only way to get a kettle to boil up the river. If it sees that you are waiting for it and are anxious, it will never even sing. You have to go away and begin your meal, as if you were not going to have any tea at all. You must not even look round at it. Then you will soon hear it sputtering away, mad to be made into tea.
It is a good plan, too, if you are in a great hurry (также хороший план = хорошо, если вы очень торопитесь: «в большой спешке»), to talk very loudly to each other about how you don't need any tea, and are not going to have any (говорить очень громко друг другу о том, как вам не нужен чай, и что вы не собираетесь его пить). You get near the kettle, so that it can overhear you, and then you shout out (вы подходите к чайнику так, чтобы он мог вас услышать, а потом выкрикиваете; to overhear — подслушать; нечаянно услышать), "I don't want any tea; do you, George (я не хочу чая, а ты, Джордж)?" to which George shouts back (на что Джордж кричит в ответ), "Oh, no, I don't like tea; we'll have lemonade instead — tea's so indigestible (о нет, я не люблю чай; выпьем лимонаду вместо него — чай такой неудобоваримый)." Upon which the kettle boils over, and puts the stove out (после чего чайник перекипает и заливает спиртовку; to put out — выдвигать, высовывать; тушить, гасить).
We adopted this harmless bit of trickery, and the result was that (мы применили эту безобидную хитрость, и результатом было то; to adopt — усыновлять, удочерять; принимать, внедрять; trickery — надувательство, обман, проделка), by the time everything else was ready, the tea was waiting (что ко времени, когда все остальное было готово, чай /уже/ ждал). Then we lit the lantern, and squatted down to supper (тогда мы зажгли фонарь и сели за ужин; to light; to squat — сидеть на корточках, садиться на корточки).
We wanted that supper (нам был необходим этот ужин).
indigestible [,IndI'[email protected]] lantern ['l&[email protected]]
It is a good plan, too, if you are in a great hurry, to talk very loudly to each other about how you don't need any tea, and are not going to have any. You get near the kettle, so that it can overhear you, and then you shout out, "I don't want any tea; do you, George?" to which George shouts back, "Oh, no, I don't like tea; we'll have lemonade instead — tea's so indigestible." Upon which the kettle boils over, and puts the stove out.
We adopted this harmless bit of trickery, and the result was that, by the time everything else was ready, the tea was waiting. Then we lit the lantern, and squatted down to supper.
We wanted that supper.
For five-and-thirty minutes not a sound was heard throughout the length and breadth of that boat (тридцать пять минут не было слышно ни звука по все длине и ширине лодки = во всей лодке), save the clank of cutlery and crockery (кроме звона ножей и посуды; cutlery — ножевые изделия; столовые приборы), and the steady grinding of four sets of molars (и постоянного жевания четырех пар челюстей: «наборов коренных зубов»; to grind — молоть/ся/, перемалывать/ся/; жевать). At the end of five-and-thirty minutes, Harris said, "Ah!" (через тридцать пять минут Гаррис сказал «Уф!») and took his left leg out from under him and put his right one there instead (и вытащил левую ногу из-под себя, и вместо нее положил туда правую).
Five minutes afterwards (пять минут спустя), George said, "Ah!" too, and threw his plate out on the bank (и выбросил свою тарелку на берег); and, three minutes later than that, Montmorency gave the first sign of contentment he had exhibited since we had started (а через три минуты после этого Монморенси выказал первый признак удовлетворения, /которое/ он проявил с тех пор, как мы отправились /в путь/; to exhibit — показывать, выказывать, выражать), and rolled over on his side, and spread his legs out (и перевернулся на бок, и вытянул лапы); and then I said, "Ah!" and bent my head back (и откинул голову назад; to bend — сгибать, гнуть), and bumped it against one of the hoops, but I did not mind it (и ударился ей об одну из дуг, но не придал этому значения). I did not even swear (я даже не выругался).
breadth [bredT] exhibited [Ig'zIbItId]
For five-and-thirty minutes not a sound was heard throughout the length and breadth of that boat, save the clank of cutlery and crockery, and the steady grinding of four sets of molars. At the end of five-and-thirty minutes, Harris said, "Ah!" and took his left leg out from under him and put his right one there instead.
Five minutes afterwards, George said, "Ah!" too, and threw his plate out on the bank; and, three minutes later than that, Montmorency gave the first sign of contentment he had exhibited since we had started, and rolled over on his side, and spread his legs out; and then I said, "Ah!" and bent my head back, and bumped it against one of the hoops, but I did not mind it. I did not even swear.
How good one feels when one is full (как хорошо себя чувствуешь, когда сыт; full — полный, заполненный; довольный, сытый) — how satisfied with ourselves and with the world (как доволен собой и /всем/ миром)! People who have tried it, tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contented (люди, которые испытали/пережили это, говорят мне, что чистая совесть делает человека очень счастливым и довольным); but a full stomach does the business quite as well (но полный желудок делает это /дело/ примерно так же), and is cheaper, and more easily obtained (но это дешевле и этого легче достичь; to obtain — получать; достигать). One feels so forgiving and generous after a substantial and well-digested meal (чувствуешь себя таким всепрощающим и благородным после основательного и хорошо переваренного приема пищи) — so noble-minded, so kindly-hearted (таким великодушным, таким добросердечным).
It is very strange, this domination of our intellect by our digestive organs (очень странно это господство над нашим рассудком пищеварительных органов; domination — преобладание; господство, власть). We cannot work, we cannot think, unless our stomach wills so (мы не можем работать, не можем думать, если наш желудок не пожелает этого). It dictates to us our emotions, our passions (он диктует нам наши эмоции, наши страсти). After eggs and bacon, it says, "Work!" (после яичницы с беконом он говорит «Работай»). After beefsteak and porter, it says, "Sleep!" (после бифштекса и портера говорит: «Спи»). After a cup of tea (two spoonsful for each cup, and don't let it stand more than three minutes) (после чашки чая /две ложки на каждую чашку, и не дайте чаю настаиваться больше трех минут/), it says to the brain, "Now, rise, and show your strength (он говорит мозгу: «Теперь поднимайся и покажи свою силу). Be eloquent, and deep, and tender (будь красноречивым, серьезным и нежным); see, with a clear eye, into Nature and into life (всмотрись ясным взором в Природу и жизнь); spread your white wings of quivering thought (расправь свои белые крылья трепещущей мысли), and soar, a god-like spirit, over the whirling world beneath you (и воспари богоподобным духом над суетным миром под тобою; whirl — кружение, вихрь; спешка, суматоха), up through long lanes of flaming stars to the gates of eternity (ввысь через длинные коридоры пылающих звезд к вратам вечности; lane — узкая дорога, тропинка; flaming — пламенеющий, пылающий; яркий, сверкающий)!"
stomach ['[email protected]] substantial [[email protected]'st&nS(@)l] eloquent ['[email protected]@nt]
How good one feels when one is full — how satisfied with ourselves and with the world! People who have tried it, tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contented; but a full stomach does the business quite as well, and is cheaper, and more easily obtained. One feels so forgiving and generous after a substantial and well-digested meal — so noble-minded, so kindly-hearted.
It is very strange, this domination of our intellect by our digestive organs. We cannot work, we cannot think, unless our stomach wills so. It dictates to us our emotions, our passions. After eggs and bacon, it says, "Work!" After beefsteak and porter, it says, "Sleep!" After a cup of tea (two spoonsful for each cup, and don't let it stand more than three minutes), it says to the brain, "Now, rise, and show your strength. Be eloquent, and deep, and tender; see, with a clear eye, into Nature and into life; spread your white wings of quivering thought, and soar, a god-like spirit, over the whirling world beneath you, up through long lanes of flaming stars to the gates of eternity!"