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Реформация. История европейской цивилизации от Виклифа до Кальвина: 1300—1564 гг. - Уильям Джеймс Дюрант

Читать онлайн Реформация. История европейской цивилизации от Виклифа до Кальвина: 1300—1564 гг. - Уильям Джеймс Дюрант






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romanciers du Moyen Age.

VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. DE (R), Selected Works, tr. Jos. McCabe, London, 1911.

VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. DE (R), Works, 22v., N. Y., 1901.

WALISZEWSKI, K., Ivan the Terrible, Phila., 1904.

WALKER, WILLISTON (P), John Calvin, N. Y., 1906.

WALPOLE, HORACE, Letters, 8v., London, 1880.

WALSH, J. J. (C), The Popes and Science, N. Y., 1913.

WALSH, J. J. (C), The Thirteenth, Greatest of Centuries, N. Y., 1920.

WARD, W. H., Architecture of the Renaissance in France, 2V., London, n.d.

WATSON, FOSTER, Luis Vives, El Gran Valenciano, Oxford, 1922.

WATSON, PAUL B., The Swedish Revolution under Gustavus Vasa, Boston, 1889.

WAXMAN, MEYER (J), History of Jewish Literature, 2v., N. Y., 1930.

WEBER, SIR HERMANN, On Means for the Prolongation of Life, London, 1914.

WEBER, MAX, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, London, 1948.

WHITCOMB, MERRICK, Literary Source-Book of the German Renaissance, Phila., 1899.

WHITE, ANDREW D. (P), History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, 2v., N. Y., 1929.

WILKINS, C. A. (P), Spanish Protestants in the Sixteenth Century, ed. Rachel Challice, London, 1897.

WOLTMANN, ALFRED, Holbein and His Times, London, 1872.

WRIGHT, THOS., ed., The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry, London, 1868.

WRIGHT, THOS., History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England During the Middle Ages, London, 1862.

WRIGHT, THOS., The Home of Other Days, London, 1871.

WRIGHT, THOS., Womankind in Western Europe, London, 1869.

WYCLIFFE, JOHN, English Works, ed. F. D. Matthew, London, 1880.



1. Coulton, Chaucer, 62.

2. Michelet, x, 3.

3. Müntz, Leonardo da Vinci, I, 22.


1. Coulton, Life in the Middle Ages, I, 205.

2. Pastor, History of the Popes, I, 71, 66.

3. Ibid.

4. Bryce, The Holy Roman Empire, 226; Cambridge Medieval History, VIII, 623.

5. Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, III-I, 1034.

6. Pastor, I, 91.

7. Sismondi, History of the Italian Republics, 328.

8. Gierke, Political Theories of the Middle Ages, 52, 59; Hearnshaw, Medieval Contributions to Modern Civilization, 67.

9. Emerton, The Defensor Pacis of Marsiglio of Padua, 70-2.

10. Milman, History of Latin Christianity, VII, 328-31.

11. Ogg, Source Book of Medieval History, 391.

12. Creighton, History of the Papacy during the Reformation, I, 297; Camb. Med. Hy, VIII, 8n.

13. Pastor, I, 241.

14. Pastor, III, 269.

15. Ibid., 324.

16. For a candid Catholic summary of ecclesiastical abuses c. 1500 cf. Janelle, The Catholic Reformation, Chapters I-III.

17. Cambridge Modern History, I, 388.

18. Montalembert, The Monks of the West, I, 81.

19. Coulton, Inquisition and Liberty, 45.

20. Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion, I, 465.

21. Beard, Chas., Martin Luther and the Reformation, 42.

22. Machiavelli, Discourses, iii, 1.

23. Robertson, History of the Reign of Charles V, I, 402.

24. Hayes, Political and Social History of Modern Europe, I, 126.

25. La Tour, Les origines de la Reforme, I, 361.

26. Cf. Pastor, V, 361-2.

27. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 670.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid.

30. Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion, II, 411.

31. Erasmus, Mar. 5, 1518, in Epistles, III, 287

32. Pastor, VIII, 124.

33. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 670.

34. Ibid., 659.

35. Smith, Preserved, History of Modern Culture, I, 19.

36. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 674.

37. Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion, I, 410 f.; II, 429.

38. Ibid., 400.

39. Erasmus, Epistle 94 in Froude, Life and Letters of Erasmus, 352.

40. Blok, History of the People of the Netherlands, II, 299.

41. Coulton, Life in the Middle Ages, IV, 354.

42. Coulton, Five Centuries, II, 399.

43. Lea, History of the Inquisition in Spain, I. 427.

44. Coulton, Five Centuries, 1,410.

45. La Tour, Les origines, II, 297 f.

46. Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 150, 160.

47. Ibid., 177.

48. Lea, Inquisition in Spain, IV, 95 f.

49. Lea, Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy, 429-32; Kautsky, Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation, 268.

50. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 672.

51. Pastor, V, 457 f.

52. Lea, Inquisition in Spain I, 394.

53. Ibid., 402.

54. Ibid.

55. 406.

56. 407.

57. Gascoigne, Seven Rivers of Babylon, in Coulton, Social Life in Britain, 203.

58. Lea, Auricular Confession, III, 277; Beard, Luther, 299.

59. Lea, Auricular Confession, III, 74.

60. Ibid., 179.

61. 343 f.

62. Pastor, VII, 338, 340.

63. Ranke, History of the Reformation in Germany, 153.

64. Camb. Mod. Hy, 660.

65. Pastor, VII, 305.

66. Coulton, The Black Death, 114.

67. Erasmus, Militis Christiani enchiridion, in Lea, Auricular Confession, III, 429.

68. Lea, ibid.

69. Coulton, Five Centuries, I, 410.


1. Stubbs, Constitutional History of England, II, 331.

2. Headlam, Story of Nuremberg, 164.

3. Coulton, Chaucer and His England, 173.

4. Froissart, Chronicles, I, 77, 89.

5. Froissart, Everyman ed., 124.

6. Trevelyan, England in the Age of Wycliffe, 28.

7. Stubbs, III, 385.

8. Power, Medieval People, 78.

9. Ibid., 68.

10. Green, Mrs. J. R., Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, I, 351 f.

11. Rogers, Economic Interpretation of History, 75.

12. Cheyney, Dawn of a New Era, 186.

13. Poole, R. L., Wycliffe and Movements for Reform, 88; Id., Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought, 254.

14. Wyclif, De civili dominio, i, 30, in Poole, Wycliffe, 89.

15. Poole, Illustrations, 264.

16. Poole, Wycliffe, 65.

17. Camb. Med. Hy, VII, 489.

18. Thompson, J. W., Economic and Social History of Europe in the Later Middle Ages, 499.

19. Trevelyan, England in the Age of Wycliffe, 82.

20. Wyclif, “On the Pope,” in English Works, 477.

21. Wyclif, “Of Prelates,” in English Works, 80-1.

22. Ibid., 81.

23. Ibid., 100.

24. 143-63.

25. 96-104.

26. Wyclif, “Of Prelates,” v, 66; vi, 68.

27. “On the Popes,” iii.

28. De officio pastorali in English Works, 457.

29. I John, ii, 18.

30. Rev., xi, 7.

31. Janssen, History of the German People, IV, 119.

32. Wyclif, “On Dominion” (English), i.

33. English Works, 47-57.


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